Partner of Promotion agency started cooperation with Colian – a Polish producer of sweets, drinks, spices, dried fruit and ice creams.

As part of the activities, the agency will provide comprehensive public relations services for the Colian Group, including: Colian, Colian Logistic and Colian Developer, as well as brands belonging to Colian: Goplana, Grześki, Jeżyki, Solidarność, Śliwka Nałęczowska, Jutrzenka, Familijne, Akuku! Hellena, Appetita and Siesta. The agency will also be responsible for handling selected social media channels of the company.

Colian has been present on the market since 1990. Its portfolio includes brands such as: Grześki, Jeżyki, Goplana, Akuku !, Solidarność, Śliwka Nałęczowska, Jutrzenka, Familijne, Hellena, Appetita and Siesta, and also Lily O’Brien’s and Elizabeth Shaw on foreign markets. The company’s products are exported to over 70 countries around the world.

Partner of Promotion is the No. 1 PR agency in Poland according to the rankings of public relations companies. The company has been operating since 1994 and offers comprehensive communication activities for companies and institutions.

Additional information:
Anna Hahn-Leśniewska, the vice-president of Partner of Promotion
+48 22 858 74 58