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Changes within SEGRO’s Central Europe Business Unit
SEGRO, Europe’s leading provider of flexible business space, is pleased to announce four important promotions within its Central Europe business unit, which covers Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary.
Bozena Krawczyk has been promoted to the newly created position of Investment Director for Central Europe. She will be responsible for managing SEGRO’s investment processes, both acquisitions and disposals within Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary. Bozena joined SEGRO in 2006 and has been responsible for managing the company’s assets in Warsaw and Gdansk. She has over 13 years of experience in the real estate sector. Before joining the British developer’s team she worked for other international real estate companies like Ghelamco and DTZ.
Pawel Sapek has been promoted to Development Director for Central Europe. His responsibilities include managing SEGRO’s new developments in the region. Pawel has 14 years experience in real estate and construction management. During his career he has worked for such companies as Ove & Partners and Washington Group International.
Stanisław Zysek has been appointed as SEGRO’s Technical Manager for Central Europe, responsible for the management and supervision of the construction process as well as dealing with requirements from existing customers for new or different space. Stanislaw joined SEGRO in 2008, having previously worked for companies such as Elin EBG Elektrotechnika and Mercury Engineering Sp. z o.o.
Last but not least, Waldemar Witczak has been promoted to a Regional Director, who will be in charge of developing the company’s regional business which includes development, leasing, customer service, property and facility management. Waldemar joined SEGRO in 2008 and was responsible for managing
the company’s activity in Lodz, Strykow and Poznan.
W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji prosimy o kontakt:
SEGROAgnieszka Sabat+48 32 603 03 00,agnieszka.sabat@SEGRO.com
Partner of PromotionAnna Lipińska+48 22 858 74 58 wew. 81a.lipinska@partnersi.com.pl
Partner of PromotionJarosław Zakrzewski+48 22 858 74 58 wew. 68j.zakrzewski@partnersi.com.pl
SEGRO, spółka o statusie firmy Real Estate Investment Trust (”REIT”), jest wiodącym właścicielem, zarządcą i deweloperem nowoczesnych powierzchni magazynowych oraz produkcyjnych. Spółka jest właścicielem lub zarządcą portfela nieruchomości obejmującego 6,3 mln m2 o wartości ponad 8 mld funtów. Spółka świadczy swoje usługi klientom z różnych sektorów przemysłu. Nieruchomości firmy skoncentrowane są w obrębie kluczowych aglomeracji i węzłów transportowych w dziesięciu krajach Europy, głównie w Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, Niemczech i Polsce.
Spółka rozpoczęła swoją działalność w Europie Centralnej na początku 2006 roku. Obecnie deweloper prowadzi inwestycje w takich strategicznych lokalizacjach jak: Gdańsk, Gliwice, Łódź, Poznań, Praga, Stryków, Tychy, Warszawa i Wrocław.
Więcej informacji: www.segro.com/pl