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More steel in Tulipan Park Stryków
SEGRO, Europe’s leading owner-manager and developer of industrial property, has extended the cooperation with Investa in Tulipan Park Stryków. Under the new agreement the company, being a leading distributor of steel and aluminum provider in Poland, has extended the leased space up to 15 000 sq m. Additional 5000 sq m was handed over to the tenant at the beginning of November 2012.
Investa Sp. z o.o. has been present on the Polish market for 20 years. The company is a part of AMARI Group, one of the Europe’s leading stainless steel and aluminum providers with branches in Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Holland, Spain, Central Europe and Baltic States. The company specialises in the sales of a wide range of steel products. Additionally, the company’s six service centres offer laser and water jet sheet cutting and bending on press brakes. In all company branches in Poland more than 280 workers are employed.
Investa has been working with SEGRO since September 2007, when the company leased 10 000 sq m of space devoted to a central warehouse with an office section in Tulipan Park Stryków. As a result of rapid development, the company has decided to enlarge the occupied space by half, i.e. by additional 5000 sq m. The long-term agreement was signed in January 2012, Waldemar Witczak, Regional Director SEGRO comments: „Investa is an occupier who has decided to significantly increase the occupied space, which is the best acknowledgement of the quality of SEGRO’s services, both in terms of the occupied space and customer service. We look forward to working with Investa in the coming years.”
„We decided to stay in Tulipan Park Stryków, as cooperation with SEGRO has been very effective. We value the possibility to develop with the investment, where we located our distribution centre. The investment’s undoubted merit is a perfect location, enabling us to deliver goods to our customers all over Poland very quickly,” explains Maciej Suska, Director of Metal Centrum by Investa company.
Tulipan Park Stryków is one of SEGRO’s key investments in Poland and the company’s biggest logistics centre in Central Europe. The investment, located in the immediate vicinity of A2 and within the proximity of the junction of A1 (North-South) and A2 (East-West) motorways, provides excellent distribution possibilities. The cooperation between SEGRO and Lodz Special Economic Zone creates preferable conditions for business. Among the tenants of Tulipan Park Stryków there are: Azymut, CEI, Complex, Corning, Hellmann, Komfort, Ritall, Sonoco, SWM – Poland.
W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji prosimy o kontakt:
SEGROAgnieszka Sabat+48 32 603 03 00,agnieszka.sabat@SEGRO.com
Partner of PromotionAnna Lipińska+48 22 858 74 58 wew. 81a.lipinska@partnersi.com.pl
Partner of PromotionJarosław Zakrzewski+48 22 858 74 58 wew. 68j.zakrzewski@partnersi.com.pl
SEGRO, spółka o statusie firmy Real Estate Investment Trust (”REIT”), jest wiodącym właścicielem, zarządcą i deweloperem nowoczesnych powierzchni magazynowych oraz produkcyjnych. Spółka jest właścicielem lub zarządcą portfela nieruchomości obejmującego 6,3 mln m2 o wartości ponad 8 mld funtów. Spółka świadczy swoje usługi klientom z różnych sektorów przemysłu. Nieruchomości firmy skoncentrowane są w obrębie kluczowych aglomeracji i węzłów transportowych w dziesięciu krajach Europy, głównie w Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, Niemczech i Polsce.
Spółka rozpoczęła swoją działalność w Europie Centralnej na początku 2006 roku. Obecnie deweloper prowadzi inwestycje w takich strategicznych lokalizacjach jak: Gdańsk, Gliwice, Łódź, Poznań, Praga, Stryków, Tychy, Warszawa i Wrocław.
Więcej informacji: www.segro.com/pl